Origin Of Oil Palm

It is generally agreed that the Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) originated in the tropical rain forest region of West Africa. The main belt runs through the southern latitudes of Cameroon, Côte d’ Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo and into the equatorial region of Angola and the Congo. Processing oil palm fruits for edible

Introduction of Small-Scale Palm Oil Processing in Africa

Modern processing of oil palm fruit bunches into edible oil is practiced using various methods, which may be grouped into four categories according to their throughput and degree of complexity. These are the traditional methods, small-scale mechanical units, medium-scale mills and large industrial mills. Generally, processing units handling up to 2 tonnes of fresh fruit

The Vacuum Filtering Operating Of 6YL Oil Machinery

Check the tie-ins whether it is loose or staleness. Switch on the machine after the checking, first, switching on the heating pipe and set the temperature at about 120-160, the chamber will be heated to 120-160 and the red light will be tuned on after 15 minutes. Second, switching on the extruding machine, feeding the

Extruding Methods Of Several Oil Raw Material

1. Bean: two ways, cold and hot extruding. (1)Cold extruding: bean-selecting-pressing (in case of adequate water content). (2)Hot extruding: bean — selecting — pre-pressing — heating(steaming etc) — pressing. Firstly, selecting beans and remove foreign particles, then soften by breaking and adding water of 7 – 8%, and then steam them to 115℃, beans will

Safety Of 6YL Oil Pressing Machinery Production

Safety of 6yl oil pressing machinery production, following are strictly requested to be obeyed. 1. During operating, hands or metal rods are strictly prohibited to enter the hopper to touch cakes. 2. Tightening the screw shaft to its dead end is prohibited before starting or during operating, which might cause slag outlet to contact cake

Pressing Cage Assembly/Disassembly Of 6YL Oil Press Machine

Pressing cage (round plates, square rods) Rotate the screw shaft and remove it from the chamber. Loose the lock nut on the outlet end by rotating it counter-clock wise using a 24 mm diameter bar,loose four M14bolts, remove ten M16 bolts which are used to connect upper and lower cases. However, after removing upper case,

6YL Series Oil Screw Press Machines Stopping Instruction

Repeatedly move screw forwards and backwards for several times and let all material resided in the chamber goes out and adjust the cake to the possible thinnest, then stop the 6YL oil screw press machine. When the machine stops caused by any accident, power supply must be shut down first, then rotate large pulley manually