Why Choose Screw Oil Press?

1.Wide application: ideal machine for pressing various oil seeds, such as peanut, soybean, sesame, flax seed, etc; 2.High oil yield : the oil output is 35% – 50% higher than common oil press. 3.Low residual: the oil residual in cake is only about 5%. 4.Little land occupancy: only 10-20 square meter is enough. Make full

The main processing equipments of cooking oil refinery equipment

1. Crude oil 2. Degumming 3. Deacidification 4. Bleaching 5. Frame filter 6. Deodorization 7. Dewaxing 8. Leaf filter Steam consumption 700KG/T oil Electric consumption 28Kwh/T oil Water (soften water) 150Kg/T oil Phosphoric acid 2~3 kg/T oil Alkali acid valuex1-3kg/T oil Circulating water cooling water yield 150M3/H Bleaching earth consumption 3-5Kg/T oil Waste bleaching earth oil content ≤25~35% Refining losses acid valuex1.2 (chemical refining) acid valuex 0.6 (physics refining) Bleaching losses the quantity of bleaching earth×0.25% Deodorization loss consumption ≤0.5%≤0.5% Refining rate 1-refining consumption

Main process of rice oil solvent extraction equipment

(1) The material (for pretreatment) is sent to rotary extraction by the scraper conveyor. The material will extracted by the solvent or mix oil. After this step, we will get meal and mix oil. (2) Meal is sent to toaster. Through the toaster, the solvent in the meal will separate from the meal. The solvent

Introduction of edible oil solvent extraction equipment

Solvent condensation system combines with evaporation system closely, and evaporative condenser and steam stripping condenser all work under negative pressure. a.Non-condensable gas enters the energy saver from the shell of the first evaporator. In energy saver, noncondensable gas exchanges heat with condensate from the evaporative condenser. b.The condensate temperature discharged from energy saver is increased,

New model 200A-3 spiral oil press machine

200A-3 spiral oil press is suitable for rapeseeds, peanuts, sesames, cotton seed, soy. This machine is suitable for the extraction of vegetable oils from such oil-bearing materials as rape seed,peanuts,sesame seed,etc.The pressing worms can be replaced as required by the user for the purpose of the extraction of oils from some other oil-bearing materials,such as

Edible oil extraction machine main parts

Pretreatment&Prepress: a. Cleaning device:remove the raw material peanut in various impurities, such as: iron, stones, clump, such as the plant leaf, clean up till impurity content does not exceed 0.2%. b. Softening process:the purpose of softening is to adjust the moisture and temperature of oil, and make it soft. C. Flaking process: rolling raw material

Pre-treatment section of soybean oil plant processing machine

1. Cleaning process: Use vibration cleaning sieve and magnetic selector to get better cleaning effect. And This step is mainly to clean the big impurities, like the stone, big dust, iron etc. 2. Crushing Process: This Process is mainly to crush the peanut, as the peanut is big ,it is not easy to press.We must

Soybean oil extraction processing simple introduction

Extraction is a chemistry way to extract oil from seeds and cakes. It makes use of Solvent extraction principles,which  makes Hexane solvent come into seeds/cakes .Then oils and fats is dissolved from mixed oil when we finished the raw materials pretreatment,BTW, we can process various oil seeds, such as soybean,sunflower seeds, cotton seeds,rice bran, groudnut/peanut

Palm kernel extraction oil machinery introduction

Palm kernel oil extraction machine introduction: 1. Cleaning device:remove the raw material peanut in various impurities, such as: iron, stones, clump, such as the plant leaf, clean up till impurity content does not exceed 0.2%. 2. Crushing machine: peanut is crushed into 6-8 pieces. In order to meet the requirements of crushing, the peanut is suitable

What’s the feature of advantages of automatic oil press machinery?

1.Saving Labor: it can save 60% labor for the equal output and 40% labor cost per day, for one or two people are able to make production. 2.Widely used: it can used to completely press more than 20 kinds of oil crops, such as peanuts, sesames, vegetable seeds, soybean, oil sunflower and so on…. 3.Pure