The NIFOR mechanical screw-press is the latest used by the small-scale palm oil processing industry in Nigeria. This consists of a perforated tube inside which a transport screw rotates. The press outlet is more or less closed by a cone that regulates the pressing pressure. The worm transports and gradually compresses the macerated fruits. Released oil drains through the perforations in the tube.
The press is mounted directly below a feed conveyor, which is fed by gravity by the horizontal digester. The body of the feed conveyor is perforated to allow oil released in the digester to drain away.
Preliminary trials have shown that the press can handle over 1 tonne FFB per hour with an average oil loss to fibre of 10.7 percent.
The unit is sold together with the NIFOR sterilizer and continuous clarifier as a standard set of machines for palm oil processing.
There are many artesanal fabricators of machinery and equipment for small-scale palm oil processing that continue to supply individual unit operational equipment. However, most established machinery designers and manufacturers supply complete engineered sets of processing machinery comprising the cooker/sterilizer, combination digester and press, along with a continuous clarifier.