1. Cleaning:
In order to obtain high effective cleaning, ensure good work condition and production stability, high efficient vibration screen was used in the process to separate big and small impurity. Suction type Gravity stoner removing machine was applied to remove the shoulder stone and earth, and magnetic separation equipment without power and exhaust system were used to remove iron. Dust removing wind net is installed.
2. Crusher:
Palm kernel was crushed and took advantage of the difference of the specific gravity divided into Kernel and Shell.
3. Cooker:
1.To heat the protein in the cell wall until denaturation and then condensation;to increase the permeability of the cell wall, so that the oil is easy to flow out.
2.to make small droplets condensed into big drops.
3.Reduce the oil viscosity to make it flows easily.
Cooking inquiry:cooked flakes should Born cooked evenly, both inside and outside,its moisture,temperature and structural should meet the requirements of making oil.