Rice is one of the world’s most important food crops and more than half of the people in the world eat rice as the main part of the their diets. Young rice plants have a bright green color and as the grain ripens the plants turn golden yellow. A typical rice kernel is ¼ to 3/8 inches long.
Rice bran is an incredible source of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and antioxidant nutrients,, that help fight disease and promote good heath. It’s no wonder the healthy oil that comes from rice bran is becoming so successful at replacing hydrogenated oil containing tans fat. Research is ongoing with this invaluable food source and scientists have found components critical to human health. Rice bran is ideal oil for margarine and shortening. The flavor give the good palatability and the desired prime form crystal provides smooth plasticity and spreading qualities.
Since rice bran oil contains three different kinds of natural antioxidants – namely TOCOPHEROL, TOCOTRIENOL, and ORYZANOL some of the major antioxidants companies have recently switched their basic oil to rice bran oil.
Delicates yet flavorful, rice bran oil just many be the world’s healthiest edible oil, containing vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients – rice bran oil is rich in Vitamin E complex, tocopherols and tocotrienols, a unique antioxidants know as gamma oryzanol, high quantities of phytosterols, polyphenols and squalence. Rice bran has a very good shelf life compare to other cooking oils because of the antioxidants. Rice bran oil is extremely light, versatile and delicious use it to fry. sauté, in sated dressings, baking, dipping oils and wherever you use cooking oil.. Once you use it you will be amazed cooling light and healthy is also best tasting.
Rice bran oil is a source of vitamin E complex, antioxdiants and other micronutrients to help fight free radicals. Rice bran oil has the best balance of saturated ,, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and and recommended by such organs as the American Heart Association and the world health organization.